Leading the industry in gorilla-based chat clients.
BonziWORLD F is made by ComputerFan.
How do I use it?
- Enter a nickname (under 25 characters). If you don't enter one, you'll be named "Anonymous". (we r legion du nut 4 get)
- Optionally, enter a room ID. If you want to join someone else, their room ID will be in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
- Be a BonziBUDDY
What are the Commands
Are there any rules?
How do I markup text/what is markup?
- Markup is making text big/small/bold etc.
- For bold text type **text**
- For big text type ##text##
- For italic text type ~~text~~
- For underlined text type __text__
- For line-through text type --text--
Special Thanks to
- Polskasoft/Jewish Gaming 69
- Ziggy
- SgtDanielArc 360 (AKA onute or jabba)
- GBS (Gay Ball Sex group)
- UTTP (Tommy Porky had sex with Seamus)
- George Floyd
- Our members